Organizing Product Abuse

Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Part 1

“Organizing Product Abuse” is a common phrase our consultants use with clients!
When we go into a client’s home or office for the first appointment, it is inevitable we will find massive amounts of organizing products that either are not being used, or not being used appropriately.

The organizing product industry is big business. Sales of home-storage products are rising, indicating that as a culture we are attempting to gain control of our surroundings. We rush to warehouse stores to fill our carts with plastic boxes, bins, and drawers, and we triumphantly return home to throw these products at the problem. We continuously collect organizing products, searching for the latest and greatest.

The truth is, the answer to your organizing problems is in the process, not the products.


The right products at the right time DO have their place in the process of organizing. But, the correct purpose of an organizing product is to meet an established need, not to simply contain stuff. Used independently of a process, products may be attractive and even functional. However, products cannot truly solve problems and help sustain change unless they are partnered with a useful discovery process.

Don’t use products to sidestep the process. By containing, storing, stowing, stacking, and labeling our belongings, piles, and paper, we feel like we are making progress, but we are only applying a panacea.

Establish a process, then buy what you know you need. 

Check out this video to hear more!



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