by Vicki Norris | Apr 21, 2021 | Reclaim Your Life
In this blog, I’m going to teach you a nifty but counter-intuitive organizing trick: ADDING. People are often disorganized precisely because they love increase; they love adding – from stuff to commitments. So, I’ll teach you how to work WITH this natural proclivity...
by Vicki Norris | Aug 26, 2020 | Reclaim Your Life
Whether or not you launch your day with caffeine to jump start your endless list of to-dos, you are going to love my favorite ideas to manage your tasks. In over 21 years of professional organizing, I’ve learned what works – and what doesn’t – in the quest to tame the...
by Vicki Norris | Apr 6, 2020 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
“The toughest space to organize is not actually a physical room in your home; it’s the space between your ears!” All of our behavior follows our thought life. It’s critical to declutter your mind if you want to declutter your space. In this blog I’m sharing...
by Vicki Norris | Apr 1, 2020 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
In uncertain times, we don’t have to stress out, or wait for someone or something to save us. We can reclaim control by organizing! It isn’t just for decluttering; organizing helps us take back our lives through planning and preparation! In this blog, I am sharing...
by Vicki Norris | Mar 9, 2020 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Distraction is a sure way to get nothing you want from life. It is a false promise, a coping mechanism, a panacea for overwhelm. Distraction is destructive. And it’s everywhere: our schedule, our emotions, our media, and our clutter. I’m going to show you practical...
by Vicki Norris | Dec 16, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Been hustling this season more than you’d like? You’ll love these tips on optimizing your year-end – the week after Christmas. Don’t worry – it’s not about doing MORE! These intentional tasks will help you rest up, regroup for coming year, remove burdening junk,...
by Vicki Norris | Dec 3, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Tis’ the season….to accumulate clutter and foist it upon others. Seriously, when Christmas comes around, we can easily give in to the pressure GIFT GIVING brings, not to mention the trap of overspending. I’ve got you! Take a few minutes to read the meaningful gift...
by Vicki Norris | Nov 11, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
There’s a productive, beneficial way to ease stress and improve the relationships in your life…and it’s rolling up your sleeves and getting organized! Organizing is much like therapy. Going through a healthy organizing process produces new self-awareness, creates...
by Vicki Norris | Oct 21, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Last year I helped my client navigate signing up for Medicare. A few weeks ago, I hunted for documents to support a tax deduction. Most people don’t know the incredible SCOPE of things that professional organizers actually do for people. In this blog, I’m pulling back...
by Vicki Norris | Sep 24, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Ever feel “too busy” to do what actually MATTERS to you? The excuse feels legitimate and even like “being responsible” at times. But, what we don’t realize is all that “Busy” is costing us. Let’s pull back the curtain...
by Vicki Norris | Jul 8, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
Labeling isn’t just for those with OCD! It’s the finishing touch to organizing projects; the icing on the cake, providing clarity and order. In this blog you’ll learn how to label like a professional organizer and start enjoying the benefits of a...
by Vicki Norris | Jun 4, 2019 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Life
One of the most overlooked ways that people become disorganized is failing to build margin into their days. Lack of boundaries and good time management leave people stressed and overcommitted. Here are some specific ways – in the fabric of your daily life – you...