by Vicki Norris | Nov 4, 2020 | Reclaim Your Paper, Reclaim Your Work
Do you have a backlog of PAPER? If you can relate to piles on every surface, or overstuffed filing cabinets, you’ll get practical help from this tutorial!
by Vicki Norris | Aug 12, 2020 | Reclaim Your Paper
Do you struggle with completing projects? Where and how do you store them while they’re in various stages? I am going to teach you the art of organizing and activating projects. Read on to learn how to effectively handle your projects…that pesky type of paper that...
by Vicki Norris | Jul 21, 2020 | Reclaim Your Paper
Do you have paper and “to dos” piling up around you? Is your hot paperwork buried under layers of archaeology? Paper is the number one issue for most workplaces and households; it is an ongoing challenge fueled by the sheer incoming volume. Read on to learn how to...
by Vicki Norris | Jan 13, 2020 | Reclaim Your Paper
Some of us still enjoy mailing and receiving beautiful holiday cards and letters each year. Many of us keep the cards, year after year, unsure of what to do with them – and feeling guilt about recycling them! Here’s a step-by-step guide for processing...
by Vicki Norris | Jan 25, 2018 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Paper
Reclaim Your Paper – 3 P’s of Paper Organization Are you buried by paper and overwhelm? Good news: it’s not you, it’s the paper! Paper organization (or lack thereof!) is the number one challenge we encounter in households and businesses! The amount and...
by Vicki Norris | Sep 23, 2016 | As Seen On TV, Reclaim Your Paper
Many families can relate to the over-burdened desktop, piled with a convergence of personal, professional, and family paper. With the start of school, the onslaught of incoming paper overwhelms many families (and their surfaces!) The Household Hub is an essential for...
by Vicki Norris | Sep 9, 2016 | Reclaim Your Paper, Reclaim Your Work
Corral Incoming Paper: Establishing a Household Hub for a Work-at-Home Mom The “household hub” is a place in every home which is a lightning rod for activity. It’s the counter or desk space in your kitchen (or nearby) that receives the convergence of your...
by Communication Team | Jan 6, 2014 | Client Stories, Reclaim Your Paper
After all the presents are unwrapped, the parties have come and gone & the decorations are starting to come down, your house most likely is in need of a tune up! January is Get Organized Month and we want to help you not only recover from the holidays, but...
by Communication Team | Mar 16, 2012 | Reclaim Your Paper
I know some of you are saying, “Isn’t this early to be thinking about taxes?” And then you realized, that it isn’t. The sooner you start getting organized and staying that way the less stressful tax season will be. Remember, organizing...
by Communication Team | Oct 18, 2011 | Reclaim Your Paper
Filing System Tip When working with clients to create a filing system, one of my favorite easy tips is to make sure and use only ONE hanging file per file folder. Here is why: Ease of movement: The files more more easily when they are stored one per hanging folder...
by Communication Team | Oct 4, 2011 | Reclaim Your Paper
I cannot even tell you how many clients I have worked with through the years who have unrealistic expectations about what they can read. One of the biggest culprits of self-defeating habits is magazine subscriptions! They seem to be a common source for making women...
by Communication Team | Sep 28, 2011 | Reclaim Your Paper
Do you keep your receipts for everyday purchases? Do you know why? Many people tend to keep their receipts from the grocery store, the gas station, or from Target, but really don’t know why they keep them! If they are a consumable item and you paid cash, you...