Order Your Life
This article was first run on Touchmark at Fairway Village’s January newsletter.


As you clean up the aftermath of the holidays and look ahead, here are two very simple things you can do to welcome 2016 with intention:

Replace resolutions with priorities

All too often, we make goals and resolutions for the new year that have faded by February. This year, try listing your priorities instead. Priorities are not the same as goals. They are guiding life values. Your priorities might include:

• Being an engaged parent
• Investing in the quality of my marriage
• Growing a reputable, sustainable business
• Giving back with my strengths

Priorities will guide you as you make choices in the coming year about how you will invest your time and energy. Living your true priorities will help you put first things first and enhance your quality of life.

Commit time to order your life

So many things (including disorganization) could be holding you back from living to your full potential. Disorganization is a distraction, and it is costing you more than you think. Make 2016 the year that you commit to order your life. Schedule blocks of time to address the disorganization that is plaguing you— and soon you’ll find yourself living with more sanity and purpose.

Click here to see Touchmark’s January newsletter.


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