Tracking vs Budgeting


Tracking vs. Budgeting

When working with clients on financial and paper organization, often the topic of budgeting comes up.  Many times when I ask client’s if they budget, they say, “Yes.”  When we actually dig and and review their system, I quickly realize what they actually mean is that they “track their purchases,” not “budget.”

I started to realize that the idea of tracking vs. budgeting can be very confusing! Hopefully this information below will be helpful for distinguishing the two actions.

TRACKING: “Rear View Mirror” Approach – Recording money “after the fact”

  • Online Tracking
  • Credit Card
  • Checkbook
  • Receipts

BUDGETING: “Trip Planning” Approach -Purposing money with a forward-looking view

  • Trending: where money has gone
  • Evaluating: how much is coming in
  • Dedicating: giving & saving
  • Allocating: based on priorities

Now that you understand the difference between the two, I hope you can start to sense why budgeting is so much more in depth and purposeful!



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