Replenish Tap Abundance to Overcome Depletion


Replenish: Tap Abundance to Overcome Depletion

Do you feel worn down? Are you depleted of energy and sometimes wonder how you can keep going?

When we are depleted, we wear our overwhelm like a heavy robe. It shows on our face, in our voice, and in our scrunched-up shoulders.

Most of us know when it’s time to replenish, but we usually just keep plugging away, dragging ourselves from one obligation to another.

There’s no better time to replenish your soul and body than during this sacred season of Peace.

1.  Refueling implies pulling into the station, paying for more gas, and zooming back into the freeway of life. All this can happen without ever getting out of the car!

  • When we refuel our lives, it might include eating, doing something nice for ourselves, or just taking a day off. However, we must pay (thereby depleting resources) to get that new fuel.
  • And refueling is a continual, pressing need because it begins with limited resources (or lack).
  • It assumes our tank is of limited size and can only contain so much. It is inherently needy.

2. Replenishing begins with a radically different premise: plenty.

  • It assumes that you have a built-in storehouse inside. You have access to a lot, in fact – plenty! You are not wanting for anything.
  • All you must do is tap what is already available to you.
  • If you begin with the fact that you have plenty, you will come at restoring your depletion from a different mindset.


Replenishing invites us to tap the resources we’ve already got to be refreshed. It’s not a matter of an empty tank, it’s a matter of a remembering and returning to the abundance we already possess. Our bodies even manifest this truth…we must replenish water because we’re made largely of water. We must replenish collagen, vitamins, minerals, and more, all because we possessed them to begin with.

So let’s take stock….What is already available to you?

  • Your gifts, skills, and abilities
  • Your experiences that inform the present
  • Counsel, comfort, wisdom, and friendship
  • Heavenly, limitless resources

Too often, we look for relief from overwhelm and the things that wear us down. However, we were not made to get relief from life. We were made to contribute, to improve things, and to overcome!

How would it change your life if you started with the idea that you actually have PLENTY, not too little?

I invite you to replenish from the abundance that belongs to you! It’s time to trade in depletion for fresh, new, restocked living!

Share below in these blog comments what you can do to replenish.

Your friend in this journey,

Vicki Norris




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