Refresh Enews



When I think of Spring, I think of being refreshed!  I love being outside smelling the fresh, almost new air!  I wanted to share a piece of my latest enews called “Refresh.”  I hope you enjoy this and if so, be sure to sign up for my free monthly enews to get little bits of inspiration delivered directly to your inbox!

When you’re online, what do you do when a screen is frozen or stuck? Hit refresh! The refresh button brings things up-to-date. If you want to experience refreshment, you must live in the now! Living in the past will never let you enjoy refreshment. Neither will living for the future. Only in the NOW is refreshment accessible. 

Refreshment is about focus. Pruning out the overage in our life helps us to do that.

Is there anything you can cut back or streamline to subtract responsibility and stress from your life and bring fresh focus?

So, how can you find refreshment now?

• Ask for peace that passes all understanding and then seek to understand and walk in it; for, when apprehended, it is both a great mystery and victorious manner of living. Peace is the beginning of true refreshment.

• Begin looking for, or creating, places of sanctuary, like a reading nook, a welcoming front porch, or a cozy office breakroom retreat that offer a respite to you and others

• Capture moments of refreshment in real time, taking pictures of special memories or scenes, or writing in a journal. For example, I take pictures of my kids bare feet or things in nature that speak to me

Authentic refreshment comes from the inside, not outside. Even in the above examples, avoid simply rearranging space or taking more pictures; although there’s nothing wrong with either, that’s not the point of refreshment. Instead of the activity, authentic refreshment is about the access to internal space. It’s an invitation to what’s inside to come out!

Refreshment is a special cocktail of subtracting, pruning, focusing, purposing, sanctuary, and celebrating. It’s not found in the hustle and hurry. It’s found in the focus of a life that’s bent on making earth life a bit more heavenly.



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