Rithu Lowry – Professional Order Restorer

Rithu’s strong passion to serve others is a perfect fit for the calling of a Professional Order Restorer.
Her 15 year experience as a Flight Attendant Coordinator put to work both her people skills and penchant for order in ever-changing environments. In her career in the air, she delivered hospitality, relationship, and attentive service – qualities she now brings to the clients of Restoring Order. People naturally feel comfortable with Rithu, and her love of laughter and life puts everyone at ease.
After marrying and starting a family, Rithu began coordinating and leading student ministry at church.
Rithu serves Restoring Order clients in Plano, TX and the surrounding areas where she lives with her husband Barry (since 1995) and her two teenage children, Sidney and Colton. She enjoys traveling with her family, playing competitive tennis, and cooking for family and friends.