Want to live a healthier lifestyle, but don’t know where to start? Do you have great intentions and need help with follow-through? You’ll love these 5 easy organizing systems YOU can put into place to support healthy living!
What if ORGANIZING could help you LIVE HEALTHIER?
Today I will show you…it DOES!
You may wonder why an “organizing” company works to help you Reclaim Your Health. That’s because we are more than an organizing company – we are a LIFE RECLAMATION company!
Ordering your life is a holistic process, and it involves every area of our life. Household order is intrinsically connected to our health!
And if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. You can’t even enjoy your household and your work will suffer. Our health affects every area of our life; there is no compartmentalizing when it comes to our health; our vibrancy or depleted state affects every area of life
Most people WANT to live healthier lives but are struggling to do so inside their chaotic existence. Mintel found that 43% of Americans say that modern living makes it very difficult to be healthy. A rough study we took among our own clients revealed that 75% were dealing with some kind of compromised health!
This is where organizing comes in! Organizing bridges the gap between intention and action.
Caring for your health is your right and responsibility. You are your own best advocate!
Health priorities are unique for each person. According to the Mintel study, most people want to “feel better,” followed by “be happier,” and then “look better.” When you get organized, you can mobilize your personal health plan and activate your health priorities.
Whether it’s detoxing juicing and smoothies, vitamins and supplements, dietary changes, immunity support, or an exercise routine, creating an organized health system helps you execute! Organizing your home and life to support healthy living will get you from health “goals” to a healthy lifestyle.
We’re going to give you a peek inside the kitchen of one of our own Order Restorers. She and her family are committed to healthy living. With busy schedules, and it can be easy to let health priorities slip. However, they have implemented five essential systems to support their health priorities and make healthy living as convenient as possible.
These 5 easy health-boosting organizing systems are simple to implement and will make a drastic change in your life.
Health Reclaimists guard what goes IN and ON the body. Therefore, a large part of healthy living originates in the kitchen, where most of our consumption begins. With so many people living the grab-and-dash lifestyle, it is important to organize your kitchen to launch you into a healthy day.
Most of us are visual; So, put your priorities in view! In this kitchen, the counter is dedicated to health maintenance. Other appliances have been put out of sight to keep the focus on the daily health routine the family established.
You can begin boosting your health by simply ADDING more nutrients IN to your body with juicing or smoothies. If juicing seems intimidating, begin with smoothies, because it’s less mess and these appliances are easier and faster to use. Set up a….
Smoothie Station
Smoothies are a delicious way to pack nutrients into a quick-to-consume format. There are so many combinations of foods that can benefit different systems within your body, from immune support to detoxing to getting your daily fiber! When you discover the power of smoothies, you’ll want an easy way to add them into your family’s diet.
This family loves using smoothies daily to support healthy living. The key to making smoothies easy is to optimize set up and clean up.
This basket sits on the counter so the family can quickly grab what they need to blend up the perfect portion to get them through the day. After using the attachments, they add soap and water, blend, rinse and then set the pieces to dry in this basket.
With this system, the family always has clean and ready-to-use smoothie making supplies at arm’s reach. Extra cup attachments were purchased so that each family member could make a smoothie of their selected size.
The next thing you can do to increase your health is to find out what minerals and vitamins your body is lacking and set up a….
Vitamin Caddy
In today’s toxic world and with nutritionally-depleted soil, nearly everyone needs to fill in the gaps of what our body is lacking with supplements. Of course, organic, non-GMO supplements are the way to go to ensure you’re not increasing your toxic load when you’re trying to do something good for yourself!
Your body was wonderfully designed to fight for itself; fuel it to do its powerful job! A supplement routine will keep your body running the way it is designed and avoid illness.
Our family has learned that simple nutrient and vitamin deficiencies can actually cause enormous damage to the body and make you susceptible to other, more serious health complications. (If your health is suffering, start by getting your nutrient and vitamin levels checked; this will direct your vitamin regimen.) Informed supplementation can keep you vital and avoid reliance on synthetic chemical interventions.
How many of us have vitamins and supplements tucked away in a cabinet so they become out-of-sight, out-of-mind, and eventually expire?!
To keep up with your health routine, it should be visible and accessible.
That’s why this cute vitamin caddy is an inspiration to everyone who takes daily supplements. Our Order Restorer found a cute metal bin that is divided into 4 sections. Each section contains a drinking glass and a weekly vitamin tray for each member of the family.
Each person’s supplements are organized in a labeled tray. Colorful tape makes it easy to quickly grab their personal tray.
To set up your own vitamin caddy, get out all your vitamins, powders, tinctures, and daily use supplementation. This inventory will inform what kind of a caddy YOU need for your family.
Fridge Meal Prep Zone
Eating out is a big deterrent to healthy living. Read more about that here.
Save your health and your budget by planning meals ahead of time so you have healthy options on hand, even during busy days.
This family prepares healthy meals and ingredients every Sunday for the week ahead. It starts with creating a meal planning routine – read a step-by-step process of that here.
Once the healthy ingredients are purchased, this family sets time aside to do the heavy cooking. Meals prepped ahead and lunch-sized portions are all organized into clear glass containers with lids. (Glass containers are far superior to plastic; they don’t leach chemicals into your food and they last forever!).
You, too, can create a Meal Prep Zone in your fridge!
Start by cleaning out the fridge, top to bottom.
- Toss expired items and organize food by type.
- Clean out the fridge with a non-toxic cleaner. (We shouldn’t spray on our counters or in our fridge anything we cannot EAT – so use caution on this step!)
- Now, load back into the fridge your items by type. Reserve a large area (or one whole shelf for food prep).
Just getting the space ready will inspire you to fill it with healthy grab-and-go items.
HINT: Even if you don’t prep ahead like this, you can use this dedicated shelf for chopped up fruits and veggies for healthier snacking!
Exercise Cubby
You may not associate getting organized with exercise, but the truth is that a lot of us don’t take action on our exercise plan because we don’t have our act and supplies together! Organizing a station or cubby for your exercise apparel can be your launchpad into motion!
We all know the importance of being physically active to support a healthy lifestyle. However, many people struggle to get into the habit of regular exercise. Organizing helps you set rhythms in your daily life to protect and strengthen your health.
Eliminate excuses: create an exercise cubby or area!
Whatever your exercise of choice, create a designated area to keep everything you need close at hand. When you know right where all your gear is, you remove a barrier to getting out and getting moving.
Our professional organizer has set up a little Exercise Cubby for herself. It includes her running shoes, hat, leggings, running shirt, sunglasses, and headphones. Everything she needs is in one convenient spot. Post workout, she washes her workout gear and places it right back into the cubby, ready for the next run.
If stretching or walking or weights is your jam, just set up an area or cubby or mat where all your exercise supplies live. Now, you’re one set closer to executing!
When it comes to taking on any new habits, we also recommend assigning TIME in your CALENDAR for this new routine. If we don’t activate our priorities into our calendar, we let other things crowd our time and we don’t ever manifest the things that really matter to us. And movement is KEY to staying strong and keeping our lymph system moving.
Healing Station
Boost your immunity and you’ll supercharge your God-given health defense system! Essential oils are nature’s pharmacy; they promote wellness and aid in healing our bodies when we are compromised. Oils are derived from plants, which are full of the compounds we need to retain immunity and recover from illness. Therapeutic-grade oils are scientifically proven to be effective against bacteria and viruses.
Our family uses essential oils for everything from cleaning to laundry to tummy aches, hormones, wound care, and every form of soothing and healing you can imagine! In fact, we only use essential oils to keep our pool clean and chemical-free!
As with the other health systems, keeping your essential oils in view will increase their use and remind you of the tools you have at your disposal when you’re facing a health challenge.
This family uses an acrylic lipstick holder to store their oils. It’s a great way to keep the oils organized and in-view on the counter! There are also lots of wall-mounted products where you can see the label rather than just the top of the oil bottle.
Set up a healing station in your own home!
You can include essential oils, tinctures, salves, and other wonderful products of the earth. This station will organize your supplies and put them in view for all to use and enjoy!
We hope that sharing these simple systems that one family is using have inspired you to create similar systems within your own home, as you have need.
Share with us below what system(s) you are going to set up in your home first!
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