relocate the bulk bulge

Too many pantries and kitchen shelves are burgeoning with bulk items that we got on sale.

Clear some elbow room in your kitchen and pantry and identify a space in an adjoining room for overflow bulk food.

Canned goods, that third bag of flour, and “extras” can be organized on open shelves in a butler’s pantry, closet, or just inside your garage.

Group by type and even label if that’s what makes you happy.

Keep an eye on this system to make sure relocated items don’t become forgotten and expired.

An overflow area works great for large or thrifty families that actually do meal planning.

View the other days in the 15 Energizing Summer Organizing Projects Series

Energize Your Entry
Freshen Up Your Fridge
Perfect Your Pantry
Upgrade Your Recycle
Brighten the Black Hole
Relocate the Bulk Bulge
Implement Hospitality Central
Behold the Shoe Bar
Create a Library
Set up a Donation System
Create a Gift Center
Eliminate Old Electronics
Deal with the Cord Orphanage
Say Goodbye to Old Media
Corral the Photos



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