Donate Your Wedding Dress


Donate Your Wedding Dress

While going through the “pruning” process with our clients, it is very important to our company that we educate clients on how to not only give…but give well!  I like to show clients they don’t just have to take the pruned items to a resale shop or local Goodwill, but they can donate them to organizations that they are passionate about!

I recently was working with a client in her master closet.  She was frustrated by her lack of space and large amount of clothing in the closet.  As we were taking each and every item out of the closet I was surprised to see her wedding dress shoved in the back of the closet (especially since she has been divorced for over 20 years).

After a long conversation about whether or not she wanted to keep the wedding dress, she decided that she needed to let it go.  I told her about an organization Adorned in Grace located here in Portland, OR.  This organization resells wedding dresses and formal wear to provide support and safe shelter for children and teens victimized by human trafficking.  It was so much easier for my client to let go of her wedding dress knowing that it was directly going to a cause she was passionate about herself!

Are you keeping your old wedding dress from a previous marriage or your old formal wear that is two sizes too small?  I challenge you to go through your closets to see what is taking up space that could benefit this amazing organization.  For more information about Adorned in Grace visit their website.


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